Wednesday, March 31, 2010


1. Increase the daily wage rate in accordance with what the law says;
2. Fill-up all mandated positions in the local government;
3. Generate employment by creating more positions in government that do not require college education and civil service eligibility;
4. Employment will be open for everybody and not only to those who voted for him: He will be the Mayor of all Ivaneos and not only by those who worked for his victory;
5. Give work to all college students attending classes in Basco, regardless of their political affiliation;
6. Senior citizens will have monthly allowance;
7. Barangay officials will have additional allowance.
8. Establish a municipal cemetery;
9. Construct alternative sources of water;
10. Establish a separate fund for the schools to support:

a. their participation in academic, sports and arts competition;
b. their attendance in trainings and seminars outside Batanes;
c. additional allowance for the teachers & other personnel.

11. Get a military doctor to attend to the medical requirements of our townspeople;
12. Stop the munisipyo from engaging in illegal activities, so the playing field will be equal (wala kasing business permit at franchise ang munisipyo para magnegosyo, samantala and mga sari-sari store ay inirerequire):

a. money lending
b. cable television
c. truck for hire services

13. Construct in every barangay a sports center, if necessary;
14. Establish a municipal day care center, where working mothers can leave their preschool children, while working elsewhere; and train day care workers to attend to the children;
15. Construct a one meter-wide concrete barangay road that will connect the barangay road from sitio Alue to the Uyugan barangay road in sitio Chatujyan; and
16. Work for the return of the 156.74 hectares of land grabbed by Mahatao.